How to Defrost My Car Quickly

Oct 27, 2020

How to Defrost My Car Quickly

Heading out to your car on a cold morning to find the windscreen frosted over and fogged up isn’t a great way to start the day, however we have a few tips up our sleeve for fighting that fog and frost fast to get you on your way without damaging your windscreen.

Unfortunately there is no way to beat this winter nuisance unless you have a garage to keep your car locked away from the elements. Hot air holds more moisture than cold air and when the temps drop that moisture is easily suspended in warmer air is released, resulting in condensation or fog on your windscreen.

Quickest ways to defrost and defog your car

Use your car’s heater

Start the engine up and use the defroster setting, having your heater up high will help to absorb that excess moisture.

Use the air conditioning

While this may sound counterintuitive to the heater suggestion, you can use the car’s air conditioning system to help dry the air within the cab a lot faster with the help of the coils in the system.

Allow fresh air to enter the cab

Turning your air recirculation off will allow fresh air to enter the car. Winter air is cold and doesn’t hold moisture, and bringing that air into your car allows the absorption capacity to increase and will dry the saturated air trapped in your car a lot quicker.

Defrost your windows

The above tips allow the defogging to take place, now you need to defrost the windows. You should never use hot water. Being able to defrost your car quickly takes time and if you can’t stand scraping, you can use a deicing solution or use a scraper. Both of which you should keep in your car should you need them again.

Don’t fall victim to ‘online hacks’ when it comes to deicing, often they never work and can even cause harm to your windscreen. Also never drive off until all the ice has cleared, as remaining ice or mist on your windscreen can obstruct your view of the road.

Get your car winter ready with a winter service. is the quickest and easiest way to get quotes from garages in your area. Get your quote today!

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