Business name:

Halfords Cotteridge - Service & MOT


Want to get a quote for your car from Halfords Autocentre Cotteridge from the comfort of your own home? You don’t need to call in or phone any garage, let them come to you. Let Halfords Autocentre Cotteridge know you are in the market for a service, MoT or repair then wait as the quotes come in from multiple garages.

Halfords Autocentre Cotteridge are an Groups garage based in 1840 Pershore Road, in Cotteridge. You can see the location on the map below, if you want quotes from garages in this region then you’ve come to the right place.

How do you get the quote? Just simply give us your reg number, disclose your location with your postcode and tell us your job requirements. Then, a list of the most competitive quotes from garages in your area will be sent to your inbox. Halfords Autocentre Cotteridge are ready to provide a quote and are actively quoting on jobs in that area. Give it a try!


Halfords Cotteridge - Service & MOT, 1840 Pershore Road, Cotteridge, B30 3AS


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